Sometimes we have days where the sun won't shine and it's hard to smile. We just don't feel ourselves and maybe there's a reason, maybe there's not. Sometimes your body will just stop and tell you, love me, nurture me and heal me and that's ok. It's ok not to be ok, it's ok to have days when your just not you, but you don't have to go through these days alone.

What's sad is that in today's society more and more people are feeling alone and isolated, but my question is why? Why is it that we feel so alone? Is it the ever growing pressures of having to fit into a niche in society? Is it the growing popularity of social media where we would rather type everything instead of talking? Or is it because we are all focused on having to better ourselves through looks, education or status in order to feel like we have achieved something to gain a form of power or success?
Again my question is why? If no one else mattered, all the money in the world was gone and you only had to please yourself, what would make you happy? This is what's important! Happiness is something that only you are in control of, no one else. If something or someone is bringing you down, let it go, you don't need that negativity in your life. If you've made a mistake that's ok. Everyone makes mistakes and as much as you would love to go back and change things you can't, but making mistakes is a very important part of life. We learn from our mistakes and maybe if you didn't make the choices you did you wouldn't be able to better yourself today. Leave your struggles and regrets in the past and love yourself today.
Do what makes you happy and live your dreams. If you get days where you just want to sit in a relax then do so. Don't feel like you need to go anywhere do something your not happy with in order to please anyone else. If someone really cares about you they will let you have time to yourself, or be that shoulder for you to cry on when you need it.
If you know someone who's just not feeling themselves comfort them. You don't need to solve their problems, sometimes just having company or someone to talk to can make all the difference to someone's day. Everyone will go through rainy days but it's important that when you do, to make sure your remind yourself that you are worthy of everything and more. Instead of thinking about what you don't have, think about what you do have. Be thankful for the things you do have in your life, a roof over your head, food to eat, water to drink and the beautiful world we live in that is full of opportunities if you look close enough.
So next time you struggle to think about what to do on a rainy day, think again. Do what make's you smile, relax and be kind to yourself. You are beautiful, worthy, powerful, strong and successful. Be thankful and appreciate yourself today and everyday.
You are not alone!
Be kind, be happy, be you!